Martina Calderato

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Cytoskeleton: characteristics, structure, and functions

The cell is equipped with a tridimensional structure, called the cytoskeleton. It has many functions such as providing support, guaranteeing mobility to the cell and the vesicles that “travel” within it, and also it is involved in the reproduction andin other basic cell functions. The architecture complexity of the cytoskeleton is based on three types of polymers, that weave together to complete different functions, and by various additional proteins. In fact, the cytoskeleton isn’t a static structure, but a very dynamic one.


The cytoplasm is a dense semitransparent fluid that fills the cell; it is composed of 80% of water. There are some differences between the prokaryotic one and the eukaryotic one. Moreover, it has a lot of functions, one of these is the motion of the cell.

Cell membrane

The plasmatic membrane defines the internal environment of the cell from the external. It has a lot of different functions.

Frederick Sanger

Sanger is the father of the sequencing method, which bears his name. Thanks to his idea the Genomic Era started.

Adelchi Negri

Adelchi Negri was an Italian scientist and studied the rabies virus and was able to simplify its diagnosis in suspecious animals.